Convenient Contraception

PSI has made a commitment to put care and control in consumer’s hands by bringing technology to the front door whenever possible.
The health center was three hours away.
Marta explains to her health worker, Ilda, that it was expensive to travel to the health center in Maputo, Mozambique. But Marta recognized her need for contraception and made the journey. Due to limited options at the center, she was offered condoms as a short-term solution. Marta knew her husband wouldn’t agree to use them.
“Why would a married couple use condoms?” Marta says. She didn’t know that even married people need to use condoms to protect against HIV.
The women hear Marta’s husband cheering at the TV. The community has recently seen an increase in income and prosperity.
“Football, again,” Marta explains.
Prosperity has also brought demand for better health care to Marta’s community. When a health worker told Marta about a nearby clinic, she soon took the short walk to town for an appointment.
These health workers are part of a pilot project to bring choice to Mozambican women. With funding from Stasia Obremskey, a member of Maverick Collective, PSI’s philanthropy and innovation lab, the program supports access to high quality contraception. The Mozambican government aims to raise the country’s contraceptive prevalence rate from 31% to 50% by 2020.
At the clinic, Marta receives counseling on her risk of HIV, as well as the risks and benefits of different contraceptive methods. With the knowledge needed to make an informed choice, she chooses Sayana® Press, a new contraceptive which combines the needle and drug in one small cartridge.
Marta’s first injection is easy. The nurse swabs her arm, injects the needle, and presses down on the drug-filled well. After the injection, Ilda reiterates the importance of condom use to protect against HIV. At the end of the appointment, the nurse puts Marta in touch with Ilda for a follow-up.
After three months, Ilda arrives at Marta’s home. Marta confirms her interest in receiving another Sayana® Press injection, which Ilda administers with ease. Ilda records the completed visit in her phone and sets up the next appointment.
After Ilda leaves, Marta relaxes. She doesn’t have to worry about contraception for three months, when Ilda will return to her doorstep.
With contribution from Maria Dieter, Coordinator, External Relations & Communications