
Melinda French Gates is Not Only Taking Sides, She’s Taking a Stand

More than 10 years ago when Melinda co-founded Maverick Collective, she demonstrated a commitment to a new way of philanthropy – one that brings more women into the conversation and in community with one another. Now, she's blazing a new path for herself and for other women philanthropists that is bold, savvy, and unafraid of making a statement. Read the story

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Emma Beck

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It is often said that the first step into Philanthropy and Impact Investing is the hardest and most daunting, and the result can determine how someone feels the impact that they set out to achieve, and whether they continue their donor journey. In this episode Rena Greifnger joins we explore the many opportunities and benefits of giving, the value of trusting the partners you work with, and how Professional Advisors can support their clients to create trust-based philanthropy strategies for real long-term impact.

The Philanthropy Impact Podcast: Trust in Philanthropy


"The patriarchy is embedded in philanthropy as much as every other system so women have often been left out of leadership in philanthropy. A few years ago, the stock image of a philanthropist was an older white man – Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and then Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. It’s only in the last few years that women have been seen as philanthropists who are taken seriously." Read the rest of the article on Alliance Magazine with a subscription!

Gender Equity and Changing the Status Quo


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