Expanding Contraceptive Choice at the Community Level in Mozambique
2015 - 2019 | Mozambique

One of my memorable experiences being in [Mozambique] was actually accompanying a community health worker on a health visit… just to be invited into [Sara's] home and allowed to listen in a very private conversation, was a real privilege and opportunity.Stasia Obremskey
Founding Maverick Collective Member
In Mozambique, PSI is bringing more contraceptive choice for women and girls closer to home. Through a pilot project introducing a new method of contraception—the self-injectable—PSI worked with community health promoters to provide services to women in the convenience of their own village. Leveraging entrepreneurship among the community health promoters and technology to track clients, the project successfully brought the self-injectable to market as a first step in receiving government approval for consumer self-administration.

What motivates me is knowing that by providing access to methods such as [the self-injectable contraceptive] at the community level, we’re saving lives and we’re allowing younger women to reach their potential.Helena Cumbana (not pictured), PSI Program Officer

Spotlight: A National Policy Win!
In February 2021, self-administration of the injectable contraception was successfully approved in Mozambique.
Learn more in ISSUE.