Kate Roberts
Co-Founder and Director (2013 - 2019)

It is important to keep innovating, and keep finding solutions that need to be tested. This is a key role of the individual philanthropist.
From 1999 until 2019, Kate was Senior Vice President for Population Services International (PSI). She founded Maverick Collective in 2013 with Melinda French Gates and the Crown Princess of Norway to increase impact for women and girls’ global health and redefine what it means to be an effective philanthropist and innovator. Kate describes herself as a pioneer in developing a new type of philanthropy – going beyond the checkbook, using time, talent, and treasure to become a more powerful and efficient advocate for mission-driven philanthropy.
Historically, Kate’s energies were focused on global initiatives. Recently, her vision has brought her focus closer to home. Early in 2020 she launched Ikigai Company, a private consulting practice dedicated to advising families, individuals and organizations on strategies to design and execute customized and purpose-driven fundraising. Inspired by the importance of empowering women at the most fundamental level, Kate founded The Body Agency, an ecommerce, femtech start-up and a global movement making it easy for women to have access to body health and sexual wellness products, services and education. Her aim is to provide women of all ages and cultural backgrounds an online sanctuary for exploring their body health and intimacy in a modern, affordable and fearless way.